Computer simulation model to predict respiration of edible coated minimally processed salak in modified atmosphere packaging.


The objectives of this study were to assess the respiration parameters and the quality changes of the edible coated minimally processed (ECMP) salak cv. pondoh, a tropical fruit from the Salacca edulis plant, stored inside modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), and to develop the computer simulation model to predict its respiration and shelf life. The model was validated and found to satisfy the experimental data gained from storing the product inside MAP made from Styrofoam trays and white stretch film. The ECMP pondoh salak stored inside MAP at 10 °C could maintain an acceptable quality for 7 days.


  • Original title: Computer simulation model to predict respiration of edible coated minimally processed salak in modified atmosphere packaging.
  • Record ID : 2002-2961
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2000/07/09
  • Source: Source: ASAE, Annu. int. Meet., Milwaukee
    pap. 00-6062; 21 p.; 28 ref.