Contaminants in Belgian fish and shellfish (1971-1993).


The paper tells about the results of analyses done on various fish, shellfish and molluscs for heavy metals, including mercury, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc, which are considered good indicators of the level of sea pollution. A generally significant decrease has been observed over the last 10 or 20 years. The tests were done on cod, sole, shrimp and mussel taken from the North Sea and the Irish Sea.


  • Original title: Contaminants in Belgian fish and shellfish (1971-1993).
  • Record ID : 1997-2252
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1994/10/17
  • Source: Source: Proc. Symp. 10th Anniv. Belgica, Ostend
    57-66; 16 fig.; 2 tabl.; 9 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.