The effect of irradiating Halawani grapes with varying doses of gamma radiation on their quality was evaluated immediately, and after three months refrigerated storage at 4 °C. The results indicated that although irradiation had no noticeable immediate effect on the quality of the grapes treated with 1 and 2 kGy doses, the samples treated with 3 kGy doses were bruised and showed some darkening of the colour. Irradiation, on the other hand, had no significant effect on soluble solids, reducing sugars, titratable acidity, pH and weight loss throughout the storage period. In general, as the irradiation dose increased, there was a significant decrease in the fungal count and ascorbic acid on one hand, and a nonsignificant decrease in titratable acidity with the resulting increase in pH values on the other. Sensory evaluation results showed that samples irradiated with a 3 kGy gamma dose were not acceptable after 2 months of storage, due to softening of their texture, and darkening of their colour compared to three months in case of the samples receiving 2 kGy dose. The study also revealed that proper packaging combined with refrigeration could be a feasible substitute for irradiation even without sulfating.
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- Original title: Effect of gamma irradiation on the quality of Halawani grapes kept under refrigerated storage.
- Record ID : 2006-0298
- Languages: English
- Source: Latest Developments in Refrigerated Storage, Transportation and Display of Food Products.
- Publication date: 2005/03/28
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