Energetic analysis of a vapour compression refrigeration system using HC-290 as an alternative to HCFC-22.
Análisis exergético de un sistema de refrigeración por compresión del vapor utilizando HC-290 como alternativa al HCFC-22.
Author(s) : ARINI R. G., PÉCORA A. A. B.
Type of article: Article
This article is the Spanish translation of an article presented at the IIR conference in Boulder, USA (see the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2009-1995). The aim of this research is to analyze experimentally a mechanical vapour-compression refrigeration system using the hydrocarbon propane (R290) as an alternative to R22, in order to reach the requirements of the commercial refrigeration market, which demands alternatives to hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The study was made in a small tank commercially used in milk refrigeration and designed to operate with refrigerant HCFC-22. This paper shows the influences of the factors: temperature of the fluid inside the tank (water instead of milk) and temperature of the cooling air at the condenser, on the performance of the vapour compression cycle. The following parameters were determined: evaporating pressure, condensing pressure, compression work, refrigeration capacity per unit mass of refrigerant and coefficient of performance of the cycle. Experimental results showed that HC-290 can be used in systems originally designed to HCFC-22 leading to better energetic performance and less environmental pollution.
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Pages: pp. 28-33
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- Original title: Análisis exergético de un sistema de refrigeración por compresión del vapor utilizando HC-290 como alternativa al HCFC-22.
- Record ID : 2010-1421
- Languages: Spanish
- Source: IIF-IIR/Frío Calor Aire acond. - vol. 38 - n. 429
- Publication date: 2010/10
- See translations: Energetic analysis of a vapour compression refrigeration system using HC-290 as an alternative to HCFC-22.
See other articles in this issue (5)
See the source
Compression systems;
Hydrocarbons - Keywords: Refrigerating system; Comparison; R22; Compression system; Propane; Performance; Expérimentation
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