Energy and the environment 2008. International congress: 21th Scientific Conference on Energy and the Environment.
Energija i okolis 2008. Medunarodni kongres: XXI. znanstveni skup o energiji i zastiti ikolisa./ Energy and the environment 2008. International congress: 21th Scientific Conference on Energy and the Environment.
Date: 1900.01.01
These proceedings contain 88 papers (55 papers in English; 33 in Serbo-Croat) presented at this conference, held in Opatija, Croatia. Topics vol. I: innovations in the function of climate change reduction; energy systems in traffic and transport; new fuels in traffic and transport; energy strategy; renewable energy sources in housing. Topics vol. II: renewable energy sources: today and in the future; innovations in the function of climate change reduction; technologies of efficient energy sources.
- Original title: Energija i okolis 2008. Medunarodni kongres: XXI. znanstveni skup o energiji i zastiti ikolisa./ Energy and the environment 2008. International congress: 21th Scientific Conference on Energy and the Environment.
- Organiser : FRANKOVIC B.
- Record ID : 2009-1406
- Languages: English
- Number of articles: 19
- Publication: Croatian Solar Energy Association - Croatia/Croatia
- ISBN: 9789536886128
- Source: Source: 2 vol.; 562 + 484 p. (16.7 x 23.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.; index.
- Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
- Notes:
Proc. Energ. Okolis 2008, Opatija
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See articles (19)
General information on energy;
General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…);
Comfort air conditioning;
Cogeneration (CHP), trigeneration;
Green buildings;
Other energy-saving and energy-recovery systems;
Air conditioning: regulations and standards;
Air conditioning: economics and statistics;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Wind; Trigeneration; Renewable energy; Public premises; Office; Geothermy; Fuel (vehicles); Single-family house; Ship; Energy; Economy; Building; Biomass; Transport; Stirling; Statistics; Prediction; Europe; Environment; Solar energy; Nuclear energy; Energy efficiency; Croatia; Thermal comfort; Air conditioning; Cogeneration
Energija i okolis 2004. Medunarodni kongres: XI...
- Organiser : FRANKOVIC B.
- Date : 2004/10/27
- Languages : English
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International congress Energy and the Environme...
- Organiser : FRANKOVIC B. (ed.), Croatian Solar Energy Association, GReTh, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Date : 2010
- Languages : English
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Energija i okolis 2014. Medunarodni kongres: XX...
- Date : 2014/10/24
- Languages : English
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Bioclimatic concept of public buildings.
- Author(s) : CINDRIC D. K.
- Date : 1998/10/28
- Languages : Croatian
- Source: Energy and the environment. International congress.
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Energy Dictionary./ Dictionnaire de l'Energie.
- Author(s) : WEC
- Date : 1992
- Languages : English
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