Energy demands for a passive house with Trombe wall for Belgrade weather conditions.
Energetske potrebe pasivne kuce sa trombeovim zidom u klimatskom podrucju Beograda.
Author(s) : BAJC T., TODOROVIC M.
The paper deals with a cost-effectiveness analysis of a passive house construction with a Trombe wall for Belgrade weather conditions. The analysis was performed by comparing three houses of the same size and geometry: a standard-build house type, a passive house, and a passive house with a Trombe wall. For these three types energy demand for heating and air conditioning were calculated. To achieve the optimal indoor temperature in the building in winter and transitional period, the proper regulation of air flow from Trombe wall air space into the rooms was applied. Finally, a techno-economic analysis of total expenses was done, including investment for house building and HVAC equipment, and operating costs for all the three house types.
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Pages: pp. 487-496
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15 €
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- Original title: Energetske potrebe pasivne kuce sa trombeovim zidom u klimatskom podrucju Beograda.
- Record ID : 2010-0219
- Languages: Serbian
- Source: Zbornik radova. 40. Medunarodni kongres o grejanju, hladenju i klimatizaciji./ Proceedings. 40th International congress on HVAC&R.
- Publication date: 2009/12/02
See other articles from the proceedings (39)
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