Evaluation of the overall quality of minimally processed modified-atmosphere packaged vegetables in a TTT-PPP study.


Several simultaneously occuring deterioration processes lead to quality loss of minimally processed vegetables stored under modified atmospheres. Which process eventually will determine the end of the shelf-life depends upon the external storing conditions, as well as upon the internal product properties. Shelf-life evaluation in a time-temperature-tolerance (TTT)-product-processing-package (PPP) study therefore requires the simultaneous measurement of different parameters, related to the different deterioration processes that can occur and cause quality loss. A case study with endive was described. It was concluded that when studying the effect of external factors upon storability of minimally processed endive, the physiological-biochemical product characterization reflects very well the sensorial quality of the product.


  • Original title: Evaluation of the overall quality of minimally processed modified-atmosphere packaged vegetables in a TTT-PPP study.
  • Record ID : 1996-2902
  • Languages: English
  • Source: The post-harvest treatment of fruit and vegetables. Modified atmosphere packaging. Proceedings COST 94.
  • Publication date: 1992/10/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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