Exposure assessment and hazard evaluation of a polyoxyalkylene glycol aerosol released from a non-CFC mobile air-conditioning system.
Author(s) : CHAN T. L., OLSON M. J., BAKER J. A., FARLEY D. L., HUTCHINS H. F.
Type of article: Article
A study was done on the health risk of accidental exposure to one of the polymers used for compressor lubrication with R134a, i.e., a polyoxyalkylene glycol aerosol containing an ethylene oxide copolymer and propylene oxide. Four worst exposure scenarios were considered.
- Original title: Exposure assessment and hazard evaluation of a polyoxyalkylene glycol aerosol released from a non-CFC mobile air-conditioning system.
- Record ID : 1997-2756
- Languages: English
- Source: Am. ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. - vol. 56 - n. 9
- Publication date: 1995/09
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
Mobile air conditioning;
Containment, refrigerant charge reduction - Keywords: R134a; Safety; Car; Lubricant; Aerosol; Substitute; Health; Polymer; Mixture; Hygiene; Leakage; Refrigerant; Air conditioning
Limiting emissions of R-134a: dual plane SealTM...
- Author(s) : PATEL C. N.
- Date : 2004/04/14
- Languages : English
- Source: MAC (mobile air conditioning) Summit 2004 [CD-ROM].
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Technical options for reducing R-134a emissions...
- Author(s) : CLODIC D., HARNISCH J.
- Date : 2003/02/10
- Languages : English
- Source: MAC Summit 2003. Options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to mobile air conditioning [CD-ROM].
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Improved HFC-134a refrigerant systems.
- Author(s) : RUGH J.
- Date : 2005/03/15
- Languages : English
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HFC-134a small cans: options to address atmosph...
- Author(s) : COHEN J.
- Date : 2004/04/14
- Languages : English
- Source: MAC (mobile air conditioning) Summit 2004 [CD-ROM].
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Enhanced R-134a Mac project.
- Author(s) : DRIGOTAS M., HILL B., GRAVEL R., et al.
- Date : 2004/04/14
- Languages : English
- Source: MAC (mobile air conditioning) Summit 2004 [CD-ROM].
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