Heat transfer in condensation and evaporation: application to industrial and environmental processes. Preprints of the EUROTHERM Seminar 62.

Date: 1998.11.17 / 1998.11.18

Location: Grenoble, France


These preprints contain the papers presented at this IIR-co-sponsored seminar held in Grenoble, France, November 17-18, 1998 on the following topics: fundamentals of phase change with pure fluids and mixtures; enhanced surfaces for improved tubular or plate heat exchangers; advanced methods and software for condenser and evaporator simulation and design; innovative design and concept of heat exchangers. The sessions covered: improvement of heat transfer equipment: fundamental aspects; applications of new refrigerants; industrial aspects; improvement of heat transfer equipment: industrial aspects; applications of new refrigerants: fundamental aspects. Some of the papers will be abstracted in a future issue of the IIR Bulletin.


  • Original title: Heat transfer in condensation and evaporation: application to industrial and environmental processes. Preprints of the EUROTHERM Seminar 62.
  • Organiser : MARVILLET C., VIDIL R.
  • Record ID : 1999-1967
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 35
  • Publication: Greth - France/France
  • ISSN: 12488313
  • ISBN: 2842990331
  • Series number: 62
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    Prepr. EUROTHERM Semin., Grenoble/GRETh

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (35)
See conference