India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)


The development of the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) has been a multi-stakeholder, integrated and consultative process in order to synergize actions for addressing the cooling demand across all sectors. The ICAP provides a 20-year perspective (2017-18 to 2037-38) and recommendations, to address the cooling requirements across sectors and ways and means to provide access to sustainable cooling.
Given the crosscutting requirement of cooling in multiple sectors, different Government Departments and Ministries are linked with the subject of cooling. Therefore, the development and implementation ICAP has been an inter-ministerial undertaking. Some actions emerging out of the ICAP also require involvement of State Governments and Urban Local Bodies for their implementation. These linkages have been captured in the ICAP implementation framework.
The chapters are organized to separately cover each of the demand sectors of cooling / refrigerants. Each of these chapter provides: (i) an overview of the present cooling requirement; (ii) technologies available to cater to cooling requirements; (iii) projection of the future cooling requirement, the associated refrigerant demand and energy use under two alternative scenarios – reference scenario and intervention scenario as explained above; (iv) assumptions for the projections and source of data used for the projections are mentioned at appropriate places; and (v) the suggested interventions. While developing the India Cooling Action Plan, the best available data from government sources, industry estimates, surveys and research publications with respect to cooling requirement across sectors has been used. Demand for cooling has been projected under reference and intervention scenarios. Data analysis and projections for growth have been separately dealt with.

Available documents

India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)

Pages: 126 p.



India Cooling Action Plan – Operationalizing Space Cooling Recommendations

Pages: 20 p.

