Influence of cold on growth and survival of bacteria.

Author(s) : HEBRAUD M., LABADIE J.

Type of excerpt: Book chapter


Among the very large diversity of micro-organisms, some are capable of surviving and proliferating at low temperatures. These micro-organisms, called psychrotrophs, are widely distributed and include various genera of bacteria, moulds and yeasts. Psychrotrophs are defined as organisms capable of growing at or close to zero, having optimal growth at temperatures of 15 °C or more and upper limits as high as 40 °C in a few cases. Most of the micro-organisms that are capable of growth in food held at 5 °C are bacteria which grow optimally at 25-30 °C. Although most of these bacteria cause spoilage, certain species are foodborne pathogens. Some information is given concerning these bacteria and their proteins.


  • Original title: Influence of cold on growth and survival of bacteria.
  • Record ID : 2000-0842
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Very fast chilling in beef. 1. Peri-mortem and the chilling process. 2. Muscle to meat. 3. Eating quality. Concerted Action CT94-1881.
  • Publication date: 1998/02
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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