Longer product shelf life for ground meat.

Type of article: Article


Two new production lines are now in operation at the Ramstein airbase in Germany. From there, the US Defence Commissary Agency supplies 52 military stores throughout Europe and the Middle East. Long shelf life for ground meat is critical to the Ramstein plant which has to fly fresh products weekly to countries as distant as Saudi Arabia, and truck it right through Europe to stations in Spain and Italy. Shipments to Naples, for example, take three days by refrigerated truck, and this leaves only a four-day margin to sell-by-date.


  • Original title: Longer product shelf life for ground meat.
  • Record ID : 2000-0846
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Fleischerei - vol. 49 - n. 11
  • Publication date: 1998/11
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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