Mass spectrometry contribution to the study of laser ablation of ceramics.

Contribution de la spectrométrie de masse à l'étude de l'ablation laser de céramiques.

Author(s) : MILLON E., MULLER J. F.

Type of article: Article


Laser ionisation coupled with time of flight mass spectrometry is a good mean to study plasmas induced by interactions between a laser beam and a solid target. This technique can be used for analytical purpose; this possibility is illustrated by the study of lead oxides ablation. It also allows to obtain data on the distribution of ionised clusters and to highlight ion-molecule reactions occuring in the laser plume. This topic is discussed in this paper for the case of titanium oxides. This methodology is an interesting simulation of the ionised species transfer during Laser-assisted deposition experiments.


  • Original title: Contribution de la spectrométrie de masse à l'étude de l'ablation laser de céramiques.
  • Record ID : 2000-0025
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Vide - vol. 54 - n. 288
  • Publication date: 1998
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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