Novel dishwasher with thermal storage and thermoelectric heat recovery.


Residential dishwashers typically consume domestic hot water, heat it further with electric resistance heating elements, and drain the soiled heated water before each subsequent water fill. During the final rinse, the water is heated to a temperature of approximately 54.5–57.2°C (130–135°F) to heat the load and promote passive drying after the final drain event. In this work, the energy consumption, water consumption, and drying performance of a conventional dishwasher were measured under test conditions similar to U.S. energy efficiency test standards but with an unsoiled load. These measurements were considered baseline performance metrics. The dishwasher was then experimentally modified to recover heat from the drain water utilizing thermoelectric (TE) heat pump modules and a thermal storage component. The TEs were also used during the drying phase to improve the drying of the load. The novel dishwasher was operated in the laboratory under the same conditions as the baseline unit, and its energy consumption, water consumption, and drying performance were measured. The results demonstrated a 14.5% reduction in energy consumption, with the same amount of water consumption, and improved drying by 60% compared to the baseline.

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  • Original title: Novel dishwasher with thermal storage and thermoelectric heat recovery.
  • Record ID : 30028667
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: 2021 Purdue Conferences. 6th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2021/05/24
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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