Postharvest management of asparagus.

La gestione degli asparagi dopo la raccolta.

Author(s) : CRIVELLI G.

Type of article: Article


In order to avoid loss of vitamin and sugar content in harvested asparagus and preserve an attractive appearance, spears should be sprayed with cold water to reduce the temperature to around 3 °C as soon as possible after picking. They are then tied in bundles and the tips encased in plastic to avoid damage. Although, ideally asparagus should be sold and consumed as quickly as possible, bundles can be stored for up to 3 weeks at low temperature (4-5 °C). Below 3 °C, cold damage will occur. A low oxygen environment to reduce respiration is desirable.


  • Original title: La gestione degli asparagi dopo la raccolta.
  • Record ID : 2005-2046
  • Languages: Italian
  • Source: Inf. agrar. - vol. 58 - n. 39
  • Publication date: 2002


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