Preparation, thermal performance and potential application of microencapsulated PCM slurry and phase change micro-emulsion in the field of HVAC.

Author(s) : ZHANG Y., HU X., YANG R., et al.


Microencapsulated phase change material (PCM) slurry and phase change micro-emulsion are two kinds of novel two-phase heat transfer fluids. In the paper, the preparation methods and conditions of microencapsulated tetradecane slurries and tetradecane micro-emulsions are investigated and their thermophysical properties are measured. The convective heat transfer enhancement mechanism of such two-phase heat transfer fluids is analyzed. Two kinds of models, i.e. the effective specific heat model and the internal thermal source model, are developed. By using them respectively, the influences of each factor on the heat transfer enhancement of such fluid flow in circular tube are quantitatively analyzed. The simulated results are validated with the results available in the literature. Besides, the paper states the flaws of conventional Nusselt number in describing the heat transfer characteristics of such fluids and presents a modified Nusselt number for overcoming the flaws. Based on the thermophysical properties of the tetradecane micro-emulsion developed, the application of such fluid in the field of HVAC is primarily studied.


  • Original title: Preparation, thermal performance and potential application of microencapsulated PCM slurry and phase change micro-emulsion in the field of HVAC.
  • Record ID : 2006-1787
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Cryogenics and refrigeration. Proceedings of ICCR 2003.
  • Publication date: 2003/04/22


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