Quality requirements of speciality foodstuffs in the EU and their application in Hungary.

Author(s) : KISÉRDI-PALLÓ I.

Type of article: Article


Entering the final phase of the preparation for negotiations on European Union accession, the main area of work of our department is the co-ordination of the adaptation of European legislation in the Hungarian agricultural and foodstuffs quality provisions, and the elaboration of their possible application in Hungary. The paper focuses particularly on the scientific analysis of the adoption of EC provisions regarding speciality products that are of great importance from the point of view of the exportability of Hungarian foodstuffs.


  • Original title: Quality requirements of speciality foodstuffs in the EU and their application in Hungary.
  • Record ID : 1999-3603
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: Acta Aliment. - vol. 27 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 1998/09
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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