R22 accounts for approximately 50% of the total refrigerant charge in Sweden. The recently initiated activities towards a replacement of R22 imposes a new set of problems to the field. The paper summarises the efforts and the lessons learned from both laboratory and field tests in co-operation with several industrial partners. The retrofit options covered in the paper include R407C, R404A, Isceon 59, R134a, etc. The choice of the retrofit refrigerant is dependant on many factors such as equipment design, age, possible plant oversize, etc.
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- Original title: R22 Retrofit: one problem, many solutions.
- Record ID : 2000-1188
- Languages: English
- Source: 20th International Congress of Refrigeration: Refrigeration into the Third Millennium.
- Publication date: 1999/09/19
See other articles from the proceedings (447)
See the conference proceedings
Blends - Keywords: R407C; R134a; R404A; R22; Substitute; Process; Retrofitting; Refrigerant
L'après R22.
- Author(s) : MACAUDIERE S.
- Date : 1996/10
- Languages : French
- Source: Chaud Froid Plomb./Chauff. Vent. Cond. - n. 10
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Refrigerant retrofit in Sweden. Fields and labo...
- Author(s) : HERBE L., LUNDQVIST P.
- Date : 1996/07/23
- Languages : English
- Source: Proceedings of the 1996 Purdue International Refrigeration Conference.
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Een korte bespiegeling: wordt R22 vervangen doo...
- Author(s) : LINDEN H. van der, TIMMER H.
- Date : 2000/11
- Languages : Dutch
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 93 - n. 11
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La reconfiguration du paysage des fluides.
- Author(s) : ARNAUD P.
- Date : 1996/12
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 841 bis
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La sustitución del R22: un reto para la industr...
- Author(s) : IZQUIERDO M., LECUONA A., VEGA M. de, et al.
- Date : 2001/12
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: Refrig. Frial - n. 60
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