Refrigeration industry and local environment. COTEC documents on the technological requirements.
Industria frigorifica y medio ambiente. Documentos COTEC sobre necesidades tecnologicas.
Author(s) : COTEC
Type of monograph: Other
The COTEC foundation for technological innovation regularly holds sessions to assess technological needs, in accordance with its aim to contribute to the technical development of Spanish industry. This booklet gives the result of the session dedicated to refrigeration industry and the local environment, held in Madrid on November 8, 1994, which had been organized by Mr J.M. Diaz from the Instituto del Frio. Extract of contents: overview of the Spanish refrigeration industry; reasons for the mandatory transformation of the refrigeration industry; technological threats in the refrigeration industry; necessary steps to palliate the effects of restrictions imposed on halogenated refrigerants; research and development possibilities in Spain.
- Original title: Industria frigorifica y medio ambiente. Documentos COTEC sobre necesidades tecnologicas.
- Record ID : 1995-1978
- Languages: Spanish
- Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation
- Publication: COTEC - Spain/Spain
- Publication date: 1994/11/08
- Source: Source: 125 p. (15.5 x 21.7); tabl.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Refrigerating equipment: general information;
Air conditioning: regulations and standards;
Air conditioning: economics and statistics;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: economics and statistics;
Refrigerating equipment: regulations and standards;
Refrigerating equipment: economics and statistics - Keywords: Spain; Regulations; Research; Substitute; Refrigerating plant; Refrigeration industry; Retrofitting; Refrigerant; Air conditioning
Reconversion : mode d'emploi.
- Author(s) : TIXIER A.
- Date : 1996/02/27
- Languages : French
- Source: UNEP, Atelier Transf. Technol., Douala - 5 p.; 23 ref.
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- Date : 1996/09/10
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- Source: Research, design and construction of refrigeration and air conditioning equipments in Eastern European countries.
- Formats : PDF
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