Safe gas system gets LR's blessing.
Author(s) : PARKER S.
Type of article: Article
A series of 17,750 m3 vessels being built by Danyard for Noboa are the first ships to be built using ammonia as the refrigerant in accordance with the Guidance Notes published by Lloyd's Register last year. One particular requirement relates to the fitting of an ammonia gas absorption system within the emergency ventilation arrangements for the machinery compartment. This must be capable of removing ammonia from the emergency ventilation air flow following a leak without any discharge overboard of contaminated water. Testing of the gas absorption system on board the first ship revealed two main problems. The first was that recirculating partially contaminated water was not effective, as had originally been thought. The second was that high concentrations of ammonia passing through the scrubber unit reduced its performance. The article describes how these problems were overcome.
- Original title: Safe gas system gets LR's blessing.
- Record ID : 1994-3850
- Languages: English
- Source: Mot. Ship - vol. 74 - n. 881
- Publication date: 1993/12
See other articles in this issue (1)
See the source
- Themes: Marine transport
- Keywords: Ship; Safety; Sea transport; Refrigerated transport; Ammonia; Refrigerant
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- Author(s) : STERA A. C.
- Date : 1992/06/10
- Languages : English
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Noboa takes on its first "green" reefer.
- Author(s) : PARKER S.
- Date : 1993/08
- Languages : English
- Source: Mot. Ship - vol. 74 - n. 877
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Come back ammonia: almost all is forgiven.
- Date : 1992/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Mar. Eng. Rev. - 27 (2 p.); 2 fig.; 1 tabl.
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Green reefership from Danish yard.
- Author(s) : WOODBRIDGE C.
- Date : 1994
- Languages : English
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Barrington Island, a "green reefer" ship.
- Date : 1993
- Languages : English
- Source: In: Signif. Ships 1993, RINA - 12 (2 p.); 2 fig.
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