Sports. Planning, designing and managing energy-efficient buildings.

Sports. Programmer, concevoir, gérer les bâtiments à hautes performances énergétiques.

Author(s) : Ademe, AICVF

Type of monograph: Book


This book is part of the "Energy-efficient buildings" series of sector-based guides of Ademe (Agency for environment and energy efficiency) and AICVF (Association of air-conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration engineering). The topics discussed include the thermal treatment of large volumes. Extract from the table of contents: number of machines and energy stakes (how needs have changed, energy consumption, recommendations to builders); programme specifications (site, internal air treatment, technical management); overall approach to energy and economic logistics; frame and shell (functional requirements and design, thermal engineering), lighting, heating, ventilation, refrigeration (installation, design and recommendations); household hot water; swimming pools (regulations, air treatment, ice rinks); other uses; management and design tools.


  • Original title: Sports. Programmer, concevoir, gérer les bâtiments à hautes performances énergétiques.
  • Record ID : 1996-3840
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation, Environment, General information
  • Publication: Pyc Editions - France/France
  • Publication date: 1995
  • Collection:
  • ISSN: 12426733
  • ISBN: 2853301354
  • Source: Source: ed. 1; 312 p. (17 x 24); fig.; phot.; tabl.; append.; index; FRF 280.00.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.