Study and modelling of a high-energy efficiency display case.
Study and modelling of a high-energy efficiency display case./ Etude et modélisation d'un meuble frigorifique de vente à haute efficacité énergétique.
Author(s) : PAN X.
Type of monograph: Doctoral thesis
Thesis to obtain the grade of Doctor in Energy Science of Ecole des Mines de Paris. Extract from the table of contents: design of an innovative refrigerating display case (water condensation; process circuit design and defrosting logic; cooled air curtain); thermal balance and design of refrigeration systems (test room; heat losses during night operation; day operation; thermal balance); aeraulic network (air flow rate distribution; air curtains, frosting); dynamic modelling of the refrigeration system (evaporator and condenser; compressor; expansion valve; grouping of component models); model validation (connection between the heat loss, refrigeration system and air network).
- Original title: Study and modelling of a high-energy efficiency display case./ Etude et modélisation d'un meuble frigorifique de vente à haute efficacité énergétique.
- Record ID : 2001-1160
- Languages: French
- Publication: Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre d'Energétique - France/France
- Publication date: 2000/07/12
- Number: 2
- Source: Source: 204 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Expansion systems;
Defrosting systems;
Supermarkets, display cabinets;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Refrigerating system; Heat balance; Frosting; Display cabinet; Design; Air curtain; Simulation; Modelling; Evaporator; Energy efficiency; Expansion valve; Defrosting; Condenser; Condensation; Heat exchanger; Compressor; Component
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- Date : 2002
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- Languages : English
- Source: 3rd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: London, UK, June 23-25, 2014
- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : CUI J., WANG S.
- Date : 2004/10
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of thermal Sciences - vol. 43 - n. 10
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- Languages : English
- Source: International Institute of Refrigeration
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