Superconductivity and electrical engineering.

La supraconductivité et l'électrotechnique.

Author(s) : LAUMOND Y.

Type of article: Article, Review


The author presents new superconducting materials and the industrial value of niobium-titanium, followed by a description of superconductor applications: large magnets used in physics, accelerators, detectors, intense fields, coils for magnetic resonance imaging, electricity-powered rotary machines, transformers, electric power transport, current limiters, magnetic storage and the control of networks, and various other applications.


  • Original title: La supraconductivité et l'électrotechnique.
  • Record ID : 1996-2692
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 85 - n. 958
  • Publication date: 1995/11
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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