The effect of conditioning on the strength of perimysial connective tissue dissected from cooked meat.

Author(s) : LEWIS G. J., PURSLOW P. P., RICE A. E.

Type of article: Article


Storage of carcasses at 0-2 deg C for 10-14 days is used to improve the tenderness of meat. The effects of this treatment on rheological properties of the connective tissue are studied as a function of cooking temperature. Significant effects are observed for connective tissue cooked at 50 deg C.


  • Original title: The effect of conditioning on the strength of perimysial connective tissue dissected from cooked meat.
  • Record ID : 1992-2847
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Meat Sci. - vol. 30 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1991


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