The importance of Botrytis cinerea as a storage rot of apple cv. Cox and pear cv. Conference.

Author(s) : BERRIE A.

Type of article: Article


The significance of Botrytis rot in Cox has steadily increased over the past few seasons until it has become the most important cause of rotting in the last two seasons. Two distinct types of Botrytis rot are apparent on Cox: secondary infection, and primary infection arising at the fruit calyx from previous orchard infection at blossom time. Reasons for the increased incidence in Cox are not clear and are discussed. Methods of evaluating Botrytis rot in the orchard in order to develop a rot-risk assessment system for both Cox apples and Conference pears, and thereby determine need for fungicide treatment, are also discussed.


  • Original title: The importance of Botrytis cinerea as a storage rot of apple cv. Cox and pear cv. Conference.
  • Record ID : 1995-3602
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Nor. J. agric. Sci. - n. 17
  • Publication date: 1994
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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