The Indian warehousing industry: an overview.
Author(s) : Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Ernst & Young LLP
Type of monograph: Report
According to the Chapter 5 related to the cold stores of the report, Indian cold stores account for about 16% of the total warehousing industry and it estimated to worth a about USD 1500 billion industry. The cold storage industry is expected to grow at about 15% per annum on a sustained basis over the next 5 years, with the organized market growing at a faster pace of about 20%. In addition to cold storage, trucking and value-added services are being provided by cold store players.The Indian cold chain market is highly fragmented among more than 3,500 companies in the whole value system. Organized players contribute only about 8%–10% of the cold chain industry market. Snowman Logistics, RK Foodland and Gati Kausar are the largest players in the cold chain industry.
- Original title: The Indian warehousing industry: an overview.
- Record ID : 30012585
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy
- Publication: CII - India/India
- Publication date: 2013/10
All India cold-chain infrastructure capacity (a...
- Author(s) : CHOPRA S.S, KOHLI S. P., JINDAL S. K., et al.
- Date : 2015/08
- Languages : English
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Status and dynamics of cold storage development...
- Author(s) : SHARMA R. K.
- Date : 2014/07
- Languages : English
- Source: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal, Cold Chain - vol. 5 - n. 2
- Formats : PDF
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An analytical study on production and cold stor...
- Author(s) : SINGH B., SINGH R.
- Date : 1994
- Languages : English
- Source: Punjab agric. Univ., Dep. Econ. Sociol. - 63 p.
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Cold chain industry: the scene today.
- Author(s) : SURANGE A.
- Date : 2010/01
- Languages : English
- Source: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal, Cold Chain - vol. 1 - n. 1
- Formats : PDF
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2018 Global Cold Storage Capacity Report
- Author(s) : SALIN V.
- Date : 2018/07
- Languages : English
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