The magnetocaloric effect of various materials: fundamental and applied aspects.

Différents matériaux à effet magnétocalorique : aspects fondamentaux et applicatifs.

Author(s) : GUILLOU F.

Type of monograph: Doctoral thesis


This thesis reports on the study of several materials – mainly oxides – for use in magnetic refrigeration (MR) applications. Four main aspects were addressed: (1) research on materials with high magnetocaloric effect (MCE); (2) MCE physics and its experimental characterization; (3) production of materials for direct tests in a MR device at room temperature; and (4) additional studies beyond the scope of MR.
Extract from the table of contents: magnetocaloric effect and magnetic refrigeration; sample preparation; experimental methods; determining MCE; approaches for the optimisation/discovery of MCE oxides; case studies; furthering magnetocaloric studies.


  • Original title: Différents matériaux à effet magnétocalorique : aspects fondamentaux et applicatifs.
  • Record ID : 30003706
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: Université de Caen, UFR de Sciences, Ecole doctorale SIMEM - France/France
  • Publication date: 2011/12/06