IIR document

The state of art for water vapour compressors and cooling plants using water as refrigerant.


The paper describes the current level of practical use and ongoing research into cooling and heat-pump plants using water as refrigerant. The paper focuses especially on the experience with a 2-stage cascade heat-pump plant in Denmark that has been operating since 1986. The lower stage uses water as refrigerant and produces vacuum ice. The upper stage is a traditional R12 heat-pump plant. The cooling capacity is about 1 megawatt. Test results are also presented for operation of a cycloid compressor for water vapour. Finally, a current demonstration project and the expectations of future development within the area are described.

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Pages: 1994-1


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  • Original title: The state of art for water vapour compressors and cooling plants using water as refrigerant.
  • Record ID : 1995-2109
  • Languages: English
  • Source: New Applications of Natural Working Fluids in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • Publication date: 1994/05/10


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