Trends in the production of quick-frozen products.

[In Russian. / En russe.]

Author(s) : GINDLIN I. M., DANILIN V. I.

Type of article: Article


The authors give the results of an historical and statistical review of the production of quick-frozen food and ice cream in the countries of the European Community and in Japan since 1960, mainly for the period 1986-1991. The analysis is given for the following products: fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and sea products, prepared food, ice cream, etc.


  • Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Record ID : 1993-1709
  • Languages: Russian
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1992
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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