Unitary air-conditioning units: understanding, sizing. Knowledge Notebook.

Climatiseurs individuels: connaître, dimensionner. Cahier de Notes Savoir.Faire.

Author(s) : CoSTIC

Type of monograph: Book


These technical notes for building equipment professionals, corresponding to the topic N° 23 of the CoSTIC thematic classification, propose a set of 23 necessary and useful technical information notes for installing a unitary air conditioner in compliance with good practice: discovery of the operation and components of a unitary air conditioner; sizing and selecting a machine; rules for installing a unitary air conditioner. Each note can be used independently. Contents: enthalpy diagram or Mollier's diagram; thermodynamic cycle; air treatment; thermal comfort; acoustics basics; forecasting the acoustic pressure level of an external unit; air diffusion; performance of the unitary air conditioner; components of a unitary air conditioner; additional and safety equipment; range of unitary air conditioners; control of unitary air conditioners; frosting and defrosting air evaporators; refrigerants; choosing a unitary air conditioner; rapidly sizing a split system; sizing a unitary air conditioner; sizing example; the tool box; installing a unitary air conditioner; layout of refrigeration pipes; evacuating condensates; implementing the ventilation networks.


  • Original title: Climatiseurs individuels: connaître, dimensionner. Cahier de Notes Savoir.Faire.
  • Record ID : 2005-1048
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation, General information
  • Publication: SEDIT - France/France
  • Publication date: 2004/05
  • Collection:
  • ISBN: 2236001533
  • Source: Source: 72 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; EUR 30.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.