Vetrani a klimatizace./ Ventilation and air conditioning.

Author(s) : CHYSKY J., HEMZAL K., et al.

Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook


This Czech guide (the first three chapters have been translated into English, see HB-0264, P 1437), revised with substitution of tables by analytical relations, is useful for designers, maintaining personal and also as a teaching book for students and for the training in continuing education courses. Extract of contents: theoretical fundamentals; hygienic principles; basis for layout and dimensioning of equipment; equipment and components; equipment for cooling and heat recovery; automatic control; ventilation and air-conditioning systems; application in residential, public, industrial and agricultural buildings and transport; economy and operation of equipment.


  • Original title: Vetrani a klimatizace./ Ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Record ID : 1995-0642
  • Languages: Czech
  • Subject: General information
  • Publication: ATG-BOLIT - Czech (republic)/Czech (republic)
  • Publication date: 1993
  • Source: Source: ed. 3; 490 p. (15 x 21.5); fig.; tabl.; index. CSK 262.50.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.