IIR document
Volumetric properties and vapour liquid equilibrium properties of several refrigerants (pure compounds and mixtures) through an original apparatus.
Author(s) : BOUCHOT C., RICHON D.
The paper presents an application of the vibrating tube densimetry method to extensive measurements on R404A. An efficient apparatus is described in the specific case of thermodynamic studies on mixtures. A way to calibrate the vibrating tube to access properties in the vapour phase and in the near critical region in addition to the liquid phase properties is pointed out. It is illustrated with a sample isotherm of CO2. An extensive table of unsaturated pressure-density-temperature properties of R404A is given from 253 to 333 K up to 16 megapascals. The saturated properties, bubble and dew pressures and saturated vapour and liquid densities, are also given and correlated with temperature from 253 to 333 K.
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Pages: 88-95
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- Original title: Volumetric properties and vapour liquid equilibrium properties of several refrigerants (pure compounds and mixtures) through an original apparatus.
- Record ID : 1996-0878
- Languages: English
- Source: For a Better Quality of Life. 19th International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 1995/08/20
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (488)
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- Date : 2019/08/24
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- Source: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Montréal , Canada, August 24-30, 2019.
- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : HIGASHI Y.
- Date : 1995/08/20
- Languages : English
- Source: For a Better Quality of Life. 19th International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 2000
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Transactions. 2000 Winter Meeting, Dallas, Texas + CD-ROM.
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