Weighing and volume-measuring equipment in plants used to manufacture medical and health products. Guide to the design and use in order to control the risk of errors and contamination occurring.

Installations de pesées et de volumétries dans les établissements préparant des produits de santé. Guide de conception et d'utilisation pour la maîtrise des risques d'erreurs et de contaminations.

Author(s) : ASPEC

Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook


This manual covers the design and operating of weighing and measuring equipment used to manufacture medical and health products such as drugs, cosmetics and toiletries, diet products and special-diet foods, preparation and processing of tissues, etc. The guidelines provided take into account the management of all potential risks in plants, including prevention of contamination of premises.


  • Original title: Installations de pesées et de volumétries dans les établissements préparant des produits de santé. Guide de conception et d'utilisation pour la maîtrise des risques d'erreurs et de contaminations.
  • Record ID : 2002-1120
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Publication: ASPEC (Association pour la prévention et l'étude de la contamination) - France/France
  • Publication date: 2001/03
  • Source: Source: 72 p. (15.7 x 21); fig.; tabl.; ref.; EUR 44.78.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.