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56 results
IIR document
Compact plug&play monitors for precise low temperature measurements.
Modified atmosphere packaging to extend shelf life of ready to eat fresh cut tomatoes.
Cryo-hanging drops: towards ready-to-use frozen biological samples for screening purposes in 96 well plate format.
Fruits et légumes frais prêts à l'emploi : tour d'horizon de l'offre en France.
Fresh ready-to-use fruits and vegetables: an overview of the offering in France.
Guidance for the control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. 1. Listeria management and glossary.
Guidance for the control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. 2. Good operating practices.
Guidance for the control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. 3. Microbiological testing for verification of the control of Listeria monocytogenes.
Zamienniki "serwisowe" czynnika R22. 1.
Drop-in replacements for R22. 1.
Zamienniki "serwisowe" czynnika R22. 4.
Drop-in replacements for R22. 4.
High oxygen packaging of ready-to-eat vegetables: a novel type of modified atmosphere packaging?
Occurrence and characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila and Yersinia enterocolitica in minimally processed fresh vegetable salads.
The effect of freeze-chilling on the quality of ready-meal components.
Effets combinés d'un traitement par la lumière pulsée et le froid pour améliorer la conservation des fruits et légumes de 4ème gamme : cas de la mangue.
Combined effects of a pulsed-light and refrigeration treatment in order to improve the preservation of minimally processed fruit and vegetables: the case of mangoes.
Analisi microbiologiche e identificazione di batteri lattici in insalate di IV gamma.
Microbiological analysis and lactic acid bacteria identification in minimally processed salads.
La qualità è constante.
Constant quality.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
2 results
Cold stores safety and energy consumption
During the IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, held in Yokohama in August 2015, two valuable papers focused on cold store energy consumption and safety issues.
Latest progress of the LNG industry in Africa
Africa is expected to increase its share of LNG production by 2050. Emerging infrastructures and gas-specific regulations suggest that the region will become a major LNG hub.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...