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24 results
Methodology to Determine Energy Efficiency Strategies in Buildings Sited in Tropical Climatic Zones; Case Study, Buildings of the Tertiary Sector in the Dominican Republic.
Energy use intensities for non-residential buildings.
Réalisations exemplaires de pompes à chaleur dans le tertiaire.
Outstanding heat pump achievements in the services sector.
La climatisation, les pompes à chaleur : les chiffres du marché français de janvier à avril 2014.
Air conditioning and heat pumps: French market figures from January to April in 2014.
La climatisation, les pompes à chaleur : les chiffres du marché français de janvier à décembre 2013.
Air conditioning and heat pumps: French market figures in 2013.
Secteur industriel et tertiaire : applications de la brumisation à haute pression.
Industrial and commercial sectors: applications of high-pressure spray cooling.
Rapport sur la production de gaz à effet de serre des systèmes de climatisation et leur impact sur l’écosystème et l’environnement, singulièrement dans les collectivités d’Outre-mer, en application de l’article 5 de la loi de programmation relative à la mise en œuvre du Grenelle de l’environnement du 3 août 2009.
Report on greenhouse gas emissions from air-conditioning systems and their impact on the ecosystem and the environment, in particular in the French overseas territories, in application of article 5 of the program law relative to the implementation of the August 3, 2009, "Grenelle de l'Environnement" agreements.
IIR document
Refrigeration for comfort and health: air conditioning.
Le froid pour le confort et la santé : le conditionnement d'air.
Plancher chauffant-rafraîchissant : résidentiel, petit tertiaire. Mise à jour.
Heating/cooling floors in residential and small commercial buildings. Update.
Energy Efficiency Status Report 2012. Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in the EU-27.
La division par 4 des émissions de dioxyde de carbone en France d'ici 2050. Rapport de mission.
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions in France fourfold by 2050. Mission report.
Contribution à la qualification des systèmes de ventilation des bâtiments : intégration d'éléments perturbants.
Contributing to the qualification of building ventilation systems: integrating disruptive elements.
Meet the energy challenge now: pumps can make an immediate and substantial difference in the fight to reduce electrical energy consumption globally./ Les pompes peuvent apporter une contribution immédiate et importante aux efforts visant à réduire la consommation d'électricité mondiale./ Pompen kunnen een direct en substantieel verschil maken in de strijd om het elektriciteitsverbruik wereldwijd te verminderen.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
2 results
France: refrigeration (excluding air conditioning) accounts for almost 11% of electricity consumption
According to the CEREN, energy production in the refrigeration sector accounts for 52 TWh in total annual electric energy consumption:
Global air conditioning market study in 2015
The global market contracted by 5% in value terms in 2015 whereas the market had shown a growth of 7% in 2014.
IIR news
IIR member news: Excess heat is the largest untapped energy source
In a whitepaper, IIR Benefactor member Danfoss highlights the vast untapped potential of excess heat as a source of energy.
Proposal for technical and financial collaboration: Census of cold production equipment in the industrial and tertiary sectors in France (in French)
As part of its activities in industrial and commercial refrigeration, the EDF R&D TREE department is planning to carry out a study on the French stock of installed refrigeration equipment.