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21 results
Restoring the endothelium of cryopreserved arterial grafts: co-culture of venous and arterial endothelial cells.
IIR document
Thermal stresses of artery during cryopreservation.
Thermal expansion of blood vessels in low cryogenic temperatures. 1. A new experimental device.
Thermal and hemodynamic response to whole-body cryostimulation in healthy subjects.
Functional assessment of human femoral arteries after cryopreservation.
Freezing without surrounding the cryomedium preserves the endothelium and its function in human internal mammary arteries.
Thermal expansion of blood vessels in low cryogenic temperatures. 2. Vitrification with VS55, DP6, and 7.05 M DMSO.
Readily available porcine aortic valve matrices for use in tissue valve engineering. Is cryopreservation an option?
Experimental study of the tension characteristics of cony artery under cryotemperature.
Heating effect of thermally significant blood vessels in perfused tumour tissue during cryosurgery.
New approach to improving endothelial preservation in cryopreserved arterial substitutes.
An in vitro study of cryopreserved and fresh human arteries: a comparison with ePTFE prostheses and human arteries studied non-invasively in vivo
Impact of freezing/thawing procedures on the post-thaw viability of cryopreserved human saphenous vein conduits.
Arrêté du 16 décembre 1998 portant homologation des règles de bonnes pratiques relatives aux prélèvements, au transport, à la transformation, y compris la conservation, des cellules souches hématopoïétiques issues du corps humain et des cellules mononucléées sanguines utilisées à des fins thérapeutiques.
Decree dated December 16, 1998 concerning ratification of codes of good practice covering sampling, transport, processing and storage of human haematopoietic stem cells and mononuclear blood cells used for therapeutic purposes.
Low temperature organ preservation, blood vessels and the Human Tissue Act in 2007: impact and implications.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
1 result
Refrigeration at the heart of biomedical innovation: the example of Libmeldy
A rare inherited disorder can now be cured with gene therapy. Libmeldy, an innovative drug, must be stored at a temperature of – 130°C.
IIR news
New EU funded project began on October 1st, 2021: “SophiA - Sustainable off-grid solutions for pharmacies and hospitals in Africa”
With a budget of 8 million euros over four years, SophiA will develop containerized solutions for hospitals using natural refrigerants, solar thermal and photovoltaics to enable more and more African people to...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
Cryogenics in the pharmaceutical industry: drug design and bioavailability improvement
Research activities in the pharmaceutical sector focus primarily on developing novel drug formulations which can elicit the desired response upon being administered to the patient...