IIR document
100 Years of refrigeration [video].
100 Years of refrigeration [video]./ Le froid a 100 ans [vidéo].
Author(s) : IIF-IIR
Type of monograph: Video
To highlight its centennial in 2008, the IIR is has produced a 15 minutes video celebrating the IIR and refrigeration research around the world. A small segment of the video recalls the history of the IIR; however, it mainly focuses on current refrigeration research and how it is aimed at solving some of society's major problems. View the centenary video on the IIR Website: www.iifiir.org/en/index.php.
- Original title: 100 Years of refrigeration [video]./ Le froid a 100 ans [vidéo].
- Record ID : 2008-2378
- Languages: English
- Subject: General information
- Publication: IIF-IIR - France/France
- Publication date: 2008
- Source: Source: video (CD-ROM); 185 Mo; 15 min.
Refrigeration and perishable products: general information;
Industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration: general information;
Cryology, gas processing: general information;
Air conditioning: general information;
History of refrigeration;
The influence of refrigeration on cells, tissues and organs;
Cryomedicine and cryosurgery;
Research, education and training;
Large-scale cryogenic applications;
Supermarkets, display cabinets;
Superconduction - Keywords: Refrigeration; Refrigerating system; Industrial application; Generality; Food application; Food; Display cabinet; Chilling; Research; Supermarket; Institution; Refrigerating plant; History; Space; Cryogenics; Cryosurgery; Air conditioning
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- Formats : PDF
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