Ab-sorption machines for heating and cooling in future energy systems. Workshop proceedings.
Date: 1900.01.01
These proceedings compile a country report together with 7 case studies that were presented during the two IEA Annex 24 experts meetings, held in San Francisco, USA, on January 16-17, 1998 and in Turin, Italy, on March 29-30, 1999. The case studies cover a wide area of applications of sorption systems and demonstrate some high-potential applications of such systems, e.g. heat recovery, cogeneration, combined heating/cooling/electricity, waste incineration and greenhouses.
- Original title: Ab-sorption machines for heating and cooling in future energy systems. Workshop proceedings.
- Organiser : IEA HPC
- Record ID : 2001-2979
- Languages: English
- Number of articles: 6
- Publication: IEA HPC (International Energy Agency, Heat Pump Centre) - Netherlands/Netherlands
- ISBN: 9073741386
- Source: Source: HPP-AN24-3; 161 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.
- Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
- Notes:
IEA HPP, San Francisco Workshop Proc./IEA HPP, Turin Workshop Proc./IEA, Annex 24
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See articles (6)
Heat pumps, energy recovery: general information;
Other heat-pump applications;
Cogeneration (CHP), trigeneration;
Absorption and adsorption systems - Keywords: United Kingdom; Japan; Energy; Canada; Cooling; Heat recovery; Absorption system; Greenhouse; Heat pump; Netherlands; Norway; USA; Air conditioning; Heating; Cogeneration
Ab-sorption machines for heating and cooling in...
- Organiser : IEA HPC
- Date : 1997/06/02
- Languages : English
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The industrial heat pump market.
- Author(s) : STUIJ B.
- Date : 1996/09/22
- Languages : English
- Source: Heat pumping technologies towards the next century: applications and markets. Proceedings of the 5th IEA Conference.
View record
Heat pumps.
- Author(s) : REE H. van der
- Date : 1991/09
- Languages : Dutch
- Source: Klimaatbeheersing - vol. 20 - n. 9
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Standards and regulations: an international ove...
- Author(s) : STEADMAN M.
- Date : 1995/12
- Languages : English
- Source: IEA HPC Newsl. - vol. 13 - n. 4
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Heat pumps and the environment: an internationa...
- Author(s) : STEADMAN M.
- Date : 1993/10
- Languages : English
- Source: IEA HPC Newsl. - vol. 11 - n. 3
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