Changes in transpiration rates and skin permeance as affected by storage and stage of tomato fruit ripeness.

Author(s) : DÍAZ-PÉREZ J. C.


Fruit transpiration is determined by both the gradient in water vapour pressure between the fruit surface and the surrounding air and by the resistance to water evaporation through the fruit skin. Resistance to transpiration through the fruit skin is usually expressed by the inverse of skin resistance, known as skin conductance to water vapour or skin permeance. The objective was to determine the changes in fruit water loss as affected by storage time and stage of tomato fruit development. Fruit transpiration was determined as a rate of fruit weight loss. There was a gradual decline in the rate of transpiration under storage conditions.


  • Original title: Changes in transpiration rates and skin permeance as affected by storage and stage of tomato fruit ripeness.
  • Record ID : 2000-3042
  • Languages: English
  • Source: CA '97. Proceedings of the 7th international controlled atmosphere research conference.
  • Publication date: 1997/07/13
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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