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Compressors 2009: 7th International Conference on Compressors and Coolants
Date: 2009.09.30 / 2009.10.02
Location: Castá Papiernicka, Slovak (Republic)
The proceedings of the 7th International IIR Conference on Compressors and Coolants, held in Casta Papiernicka, Slovak Republic, on September 30-October 2, 2009, comprise 61 papers on a broad range of themes related to compressors, refrigeration technologies, inspection, diagnosis, coolants and oils. Main topics: - Compressors and trends - Design, modelling and simulation - Regulations governing refrigerants - New refrigerants - Replacement of R22 - Absorption technology - Ammonia in small heat pumps - Hermetic and scroll systems - CO2 systems - Heat pumps, energy and the environment - Propane and centrifugal compressors - Diagnosis and inspection. Papers: 61
Available documents
Summary ● Format PDF
Format CD-Rom
Public price
40 €
Member price*
30 €
* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).
- Original title: Compressors 2009: 7th International Conference on Compressors and Coolants
- Organiser : IIF-IIR, SZ CHKT
- Record ID : 2009-2580
- Languages: English
- Number of articles: 57
- Publication: IIF-IIR - France/France/Slovak (republic)/Slovak (republic)
- Collection:
- ISSN: 01511637
- ISBN: 9782913149731
- Series number: 7
- Conference type: IIR Conference
- Notes:
Proc. Compressors 2009, Castá Papiernicka/Proc. Castá Papiernicka Conf., IIR/C. R. Conf. Castá Papiernicka, IIF
See articles (57)
See conference
Thermodynamics, transfer processes: general information;
Compressors - Keywords: Refrigerating system; R245fa; Office; Noise; Household application; Safety; Economy; Commercial application; Lubricant; Variable speed; Design; Ammonia; Thermodynamic property; Adsorption system; Heat pump; Modelling; Azeotropic mixture; Mixture; Refrigerating plant; Hydrocarbon; Oil; Energy saving; Transcritical cycle; Refrigerant; Air conditioning; Hermetic compressor; Centrifugal compressor; Screw compressor; Scroll compressor; Reciprocating compressor; Compressor; CO2
Compressors 2006
- Organiser : IIF-IIR, Slovak Association for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technology, Slovak National Committee for Cooperation with the IIR
- Date : 2006
- Languages : English
- Formats : DVD, PDF
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Compressors '99. The almanac of proceedings fro...
- Organiser : Slovak Association for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technology
- Date : 1999/09/01
- Languages : English
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2014 Purdue Conferences. 22nd International Com...
- Organiser : Purdue University, GROLL E. A. (ed.), HORTON W. T. (ed.)
- Date : 2014/07/14
- Languages : English
- Formats : PDF
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Entraînement ABB à grande vitesse pour compress...
- Author(s) : HENZE M.
- Date : 1994/10
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 84 - n. 947
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Les compresseurs restent le coeur des systèmes.
- Date : 2008/04
- Languages : French
- Source: J. Chauff. Sanit. - n. 150
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