IIR document
Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of low GWP R-404A alternative refrigerants (R-448A, R-449A, R-455A, R-454C) in a 5.6 mm inner diameter horizontal smooth tube.
Author(s) : LEE B. M., GOOK H. H., LEE Y. W., PARK D. H., KIM N. H.
Type of article: IJR article
The literature survey reveals that condensation or evaporation study of R-404A alternative refrigerants are lacking. In this study, four R-404A alternative refrigerants - two short term refrigerants (GWP1002500: R-448A, R-449A) and two long term refrigerants (GWP100150: R-455A, R-454C) - including R-404A (GWP100 = 3922) were tested under condensation condition. Test range included mass flux from 80 to 400 kg m−2s−1, vapour quality from 0.2 to 0.8. Test tube had 5.6 mm inne diameter. Results showed that, at a low mass flux, heat transfer coefficients of the alternative refrigerants were approximately the same as those of R-404A. On the other hand, at a high mass flux of 400 kg m−2s−1, heat transfer coefficients of the alternative refrigerants were higher than those of R-404A. The reason was attributed to the balance of superior thermal properties, which were beneficial, and larger temperature glide, which were malign, of the alternative refrigerants compared with those of R-404A. Pressure drops of alternative refrigerants were larger than those of R-404A. Furthermore, long term refrigerants (R-454C, R-455A) yielded larger pressure drops than short term refrigerants (R-448A, R-449A), probably due to the influence of vapour density. Furthermore, data are compared with predictions by existing correlations.
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Pages: 71-82
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- Original title: Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of low GWP R-404A alternative refrigerants (R-448A, R-449A, R-455A, R-454C) in a 5.6 mm inner diameter horizontal smooth tube.
- Record ID : 30028518
- Languages: English
- Subject: HFCs alternatives
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 128
- Publication date: 2021/08
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2020.12.025
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (27)
See the source
Heat transfer;
Thermodynamic measurements - Keywords: Low GWP; Heat transfer; Pressure drop; R404A; R448a; R449A; R455A; R454C; Thermodynamic property; HFO; HFC
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- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 128
- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Source: 2nd IIR Conference on HFO Refrigerants and Low GWP Blends
- Formats : PDF
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