CYTEF 2018, IX Iberian Congress and VII Ibero-American Congress of Refrigeration Sciences and Technologies, Valencia, Spain, June 19-21 2018.

CYTEF 2018. IX Congreso Ibérico y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, Valencia, España, 19-21 junio 2018.

Date: 2018.06.19 / 2018.06.21

Location: Valencia, Spain


The conference proceedings of CYTEF 2018 contain 83 papers, out of which 29 are in English, 47 in Spanish and 6 in Portuguese. These communications cover the following subject areas: Refrigeration; Food processing and preservation (FPP); Air-conditioning; Applied fluid dynamics and heat and mass transfer; Integration of renewable energy systems; Energy eficiency; Energy recovery and storage; Teaching methodologies and techniques; Standards and technical regulations; Cryophysics, cryogenics and cryobiology; Integration of cogeneration and trigeneration systems; Dynamic simulation; Research, innovation and technological development.

Available documents

Summary ● Format PDF




  • Original title: CYTEF 2018. IX Congreso Ibérico y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, Valencia, España, 19-21 junio 2018.
  • Organiser : SECYTEF (Sociedad Española de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío), Instituto Ingeniería Energética
  • Record ID : 30024079
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Number of articles: 82
  • Publication: Instituto de ingeniería energética de la universitat politècnica valència (upv) - Spain
  • ISBN: 9788409016198
  • Series number: 9
  • Conference type: IIR co-sponsored conference
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (82)
See conference