Determination of safe reheating instructions for refrigerated food products targeted for microwave heating.


This book contains comprehensive abstracts of the 52 papers and posters presented at this conference, held in Birmingham, United Kingdom, on September 12-13, 2000. The contributions reflect the opportunities and problems involved in the development and safe processing of food products. Topic sessions: product structure and formulation (measurement of the surface heat transfer coefficient during freezing on a scraped surface; robotic cutting of 'hot' and chilled pork primals); risk assessment and hygiene; process management and integrated control systems (non invasive temperature measurement in thermal processing); engineering products for the consumer (determination of safe re-heating instructions for refrigerated food products targeted for microwave heating). The poster presentations are on the following: air and immersion cooling of cook-chill food; comparison of product quality after air blast and cryogenic freezing processes; development of a fluidized bed food freezing system that can use air cycle technology; development of microwave reheating protocols for chilled food; enhancing the rate of food cooling.


  • Original title: Determination of safe reheating instructions for refrigerated food products targeted for microwave heating.
  • Record ID : 2003-0826
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Food & drink 2000. Processing solutions for innovative products.
  • Publication date: 2000/09/12
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See other articles from the proceedings (10)
See the conference proceedings