Distinctive features of freezing tunnels.

Spécificités des tunnels de surgélation.

Author(s) : BARONE S.


This book includes the proceedings of the 19 lectures given on this day in Paris, France. Extract from the table of contents: Does the hygiene "package" cause problems during application? Is predictive microbiology operational? (French and European update; developing a tool for evaluation; examples of application); What is the state of the art in traceability (various systems, traceability in the cold chain and traceability of the freshness of products; traceability in distribution). An alternative to R-22 at low temperatures (-25/-45°C) : CO2 (regulations and their evolution; CO2 as a refrigerant in ice-cream manufacturing; specificity of freezing tunnels)?


  • Original title: Spécificités des tunnels de surgélation.
  • Record ID : 2007-1681
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: Journée française du Froid : quoi de neuf dans le froid dans l'industrie alimentaire ? Recueil des conférences.
  • Publication date: 2006/11/22


See other articles from the proceedings (9)
See the conference proceedings