Energy efficiency of air conditioners in developing countries and the role of CDM (Clean Development Mechanism). IEA Information Paper.
Author(s) : KOIZUMI S.
Type of monograph: Booklet
This information paper seeks to identify the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement of air conditioning in developing countries brought about by the penetration of energy efficient appliances. The potential reduction of electricity consumption and CO2 emission is estimated for China (warm provinces) and Ghana, which are selected as examples of developing countries which may or may not have their own manufacturing capacity. Barriers to penetration of energy efficient appliances and measures to lower these barriers are also studied to assess the feasibility of energy efficiency of home appliances in developing countries. The potential electricity consumption by cooling-only air conditioners would be reduced by 8% in Ghana through the proper enforcement of energy efficiency standards. In Chinese warm provinces accounting for about 30% of Chinese population, the maximum reduction of electricity consumption would amount to 38% which is equivalent to 260 TWh if more advanced technologies available in developed countries were introduced. CO2 emissions would be reduced correspondingly. The paper can be downloaded from the Website:
- Original title: Energy efficiency of air conditioners in developing countries and the role of CDM (Clean Development Mechanism). IEA Information Paper.
- Record ID : 2008-0429
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Developing country, Environment, General information
- Publication: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) - France/France
- Publication date: 2007/11
- Source: Source: 39 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; 26 ref.; 2 append.
General information on energy;
General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…);
Comfort air conditioning;
Air conditioning: economics and statistics;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Residential sector; Japan; Household application; Ghana; Export; Energy consumption; Electricity; Economy; Comparison; China; Air conditioner; Household refrigerator; Statistics; Prediction; Developing country; Market; Equipment; Environment; Energy efficiency; Energy saving; Air conditioning
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