Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities. 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and indoor Climate in Buildings/23rd Annual AIVC Conference. Proceedings [CD-ROM].

Date: 1900.01.01


These proceedings, included in the AIVC CD-ROM, contain 151 articles presented at this conference, held in Lyon, France. Topics: low energy retrofitting for better indoor climate; designing for good indoor air quality; thermal, visual and acoustical comfort; urban environment in relation to buildings; advanced systems for ventilation, heating, cooling and air conditioning; passive solar heating and cooling; sustainability in urban environment; daylighting and energy efficient artificial lighting; design and simulation tools; intelligent components and buildings; experimental techniques, monitoring and commissioning; standardization and building regulations.


  • Original title: Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities. 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and indoor Climate in Buildings/23rd Annual AIVC Conference. Proceedings [CD-ROM].
  • Organiser : AIVC, ENTPE
  • Record ID : 2004-3090
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 2
  • Publication: Aivc (air infiltration and ventilation centre) - Belgium/Belgium/France/France
  • ISBN: 2868341187
  • Source: Source: CP 23; many pages; fig.; tabl.; ref./AIVC CD No. 10.
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    Proc. AIVC Conf., Lyon/Proc. eur. Conf. Energy Perform. indoor Clim. Build., Lyon/AIVC, CD/ENTPE

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (2)