The paper aims at extending the number of factors considered in pinch analysis towards a life-cycle optimisation and proposes new synthesis representation schemes. The proposed extension takes into account heat transfer exergy losses, the pressure drop exergy losses and the exergy associated with the fabrication of the heat exchangers. The extended composite curves graphically represent the above-mentioned losses on a Carnot factor versus heat rate diagram. In a similar way, other high exergy inputs and outputs linked, for example, to the introduction of heat pumps and cogeneration units, are represented on a topping electricity versus Carnot factor diagram.
- Original title: Energy integration of industrial processes based on the analysis method extended to include energy factors.
- Record ID : 1997-0518
- Languages: English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 16 - n. 6
- Publication date: 1996/06
See other articles in this issue (2)
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Heat pumps in energy concepts.
- Author(s) : WUNNIK A. W. M. van
- Date : 1993/04/26
- Languages : English
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Basic design of a data bank system aimed at the...
- Author(s) : NOWOTNY S.
- Date : 1992/07/14
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Absorption cooling with cogeneration.
- Author(s) : TOZER R. M., JAMES R. W., MIGUEZ-GOMEZ C.
- Date : 1995/08/29
- Languages : English
- Source: Congresso ibero-americano de ar condicionado e refrigeraçao - Congresso brasileiro de refrigeraçao, ventilaçao e condicionamento de ar. III CIAR-V CONBRAVA. Anais./ III CIAR-V CONBRAVA. Proceedings.
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4E Analysis of a new cogeneration system coupli...
- Author(s) : SUN D., QIN J., LIU Z.
- Date : 2024/12
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 168
- Formats : PDF
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The principles of thermodynamic heating.
- Author(s) : LORENTZEN G.
- Date : 1981/03
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 4 - n. 2
- Formats : PDF
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