Energy sources: technical, social and economical comparisons.
Les énergies : comparaisons techniques et socio-économiques.
Author(s) : REYNE M.
Type of monograph: Book
This book analyses and compares the twelve main classic and emerging energy systems thanks to rational technical and economic tools, in order to assess their real cost and their influence on the environment. After a general classification of energy sources (origin, reserves, functions, pollution, etc.), the book presents the operating modes of these systems. It allows better knowledge of the capacities at stake, of the efficiency of the installations, the investment costs and the running costs. It is illustrated by roughly a hundred diagrams and photos and focuses particularly on France which is a typical paradigm of present-day energy-related conflicts. It gives a full analysis of the different types of energy sources and helps the reader to understand the present situation and future perspectives for energy. Extract from the table of contents: the greenhouse effect, CO2; fossil fuels (oil, gas, carbon); nuclear energy, electricity; renewable energy sources (hydraulic, the biomass, wind, solar and geothermal energy); unconventional energy sources (fuel cell); energy for transportation; energy for housing.
- Original title: Les énergies : comparaisons techniques et socio-économiques.
- Record ID : 2009-2215
- Languages: French
- Subject: General information
- Publication: Hermès - Lavoisier - France/France
- Publication date: 2009
- ISBN: 9782746223318
- Source: Source: 298 p.; fig.; photogr.; tabl.; ref.; index.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
General information on energy;
Other energy-saving and energy-recovery systems - Keywords: Renewable energy; Industrial application; Household application; Geothermy; Gas; France; Energy; Electricity; Economy; Comparison; Transport; Efficiency; Statistics; Fuel cell; Petroleum; Hydrogen; LNG; Solar energy; Nuclear energy
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- Date : 2005/06
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BP statistical review of world energy June 2006.
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- Date : 2006/06
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BP statistical review of world energy June 2009.
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- Date : 2009/06
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World Energy Outlook 2021.
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- Date : 2021/10
- Languages : English
- Formats : PDF
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Fuel for life - World Petroleum Council guide t...
- Author(s) : NICHOLLS T. (ed.)
- Date : 2009
- Languages : English
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