IIR document

Environmental impact of heat pumping systems.

Number: pap. ID: 343

Author(s) : HAFNER A.


A calculation tool was developed within the project ‘Thermal Systems Integration for Fuel Economy’ TIFFE, which is a project within the SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME of EU, under ACTIVITY: 7. 2. 1. The TIFFE-EIT (TIFFE-Environmental Impact Tool) calculates the annual emissions generated due to the additional consumption of fuel used for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition). A flexible daily/weekly driving routine is applied and weather/climate dates from different climate zones are used on an hour by hour base. The operation sequence starts with analyzing the energy demand of the different vehicle rides during a day, week and year. The energy demand for each ride depends on the climate conditions in which the vehicle was parked and the performance of the air conditioning/heat pump system to achieve comfort in the passenger cabin. Thus it is possible to compare the fuel demand related to HVAC for different systems. Specific car parameters (size of cabin, window ratio, etc.) can be varied, i.e. a validation of different vehicle types is possible. A huge difference in the fuel consumption of the HVAC can be observed when comparing short and long distance rides. If the car is just driven a few minutes every time, the HVAC system operates in ‘pull-down’ or ‘heat-up’ performance more often than on long distance rides, where the comfort level is just maintained after the initial phase. Parking in the shadow or open the window before you use the air condition has also an influence of the total energy demand. The output of the TIFFE-EIT is the additional fuel consumption of the HVAC during an entire driving season. It only requires MS Excel. The transparent configuration helps to understand the influence of the different parameters.

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Pages: 14 p.


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  • Original title: Environmental impact of heat pumping systems.
  • Record ID : 30002545
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment
  • Source: Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
  • Publication date: 2011/08/21


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