Evaporation heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon refrigerants R-290 and R-600a in horizontal tubes.

Author(s) : PARK S. J., SON C. H., KIM J. R., et al.


The paper presents the experimental results of evaporation heat transfer coefficients of HC refrigerants (e.g. R-290 and R-600a), R-22 as an HCFC refrigerant and R-134a as an HFC refrigerant in horizontal double pipe heat exchangers, having 4 different inner diameters. Experiments on the evaporation process were conducted. The main results were summarized as follows: the average evaporation heat transfer coefficient of the refrigerants was higher in hydrocarbon refrigerants. In comparison with experimental data and some correlations, the evaporation heat transfer coefficients were well matched with Kandlikar's correlation regardless of the type of refrigerant and the tube diameters.


  • Original title: Evaporation heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon refrigerants R-290 and R-600a in horizontal tubes.
  • Record ID : 2007-0086
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ACRA-2006. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning.
  • Publication date: 2006/05/21


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